- Thumbnail

- Resource ID
- c303925a-0d7d-11ed-9f11-0242ac130005
- Title
- Osservazione Temperatura notturna
- Date
- July 27, 2022, 9:28 a.m., Publication
- Abstract
- temperature notturne osservate al picco di calore del giorno piĆ¹ caldo ( 2017-08-04 ) dato satellitare riportato a 2m dal suolo Night temperatures observed at the peak heat of the hottest day ( 2017-08-04 ) satellite data reported at 2m above the ground
- Edition
- --
- Responsible
- dpassoni
- Point of Contact
- Passoni
- da.passoni@cittametropolitana.milano.it
- Purpose
- --
- Maintenance Frequency
- None
- Type
- not filled
- Restrictions
- None
- License
- Not Specified
- Language
- eng
- Temporal Extent
- Start
- --
- End
- --
- Supplemental Information
- No information provided
- Data Quality
- --
- Extent
- x0: 477045.0
- x1: 543045.0
- y0: 5000985.0
- y1: 5054415.0
- Spatial Reference System Identifier
- EPSG:32632
- Keywords
- no keywords
- Category
- Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
- Regions