- Thumbnail

- Resource ID
- 82f0fa40-fc2f-11ec-a7ad-0242ac160002
- Title
- isole di calore per Citta metropolitana di Milano 2014-2018 / Urban Heat Island (UHI) 2014-2018
- Date
- July 5, 2022, 8:55 a.m., Publication
- Abstract
- Studio del fenomeno delle Isole di Calore del progetto "LIFE Metro Adapt", mediante l'analisi delle immagini satellitari Landsat TERRA e AQUA delle notti piĆ¹ calde dal 2014 al 2018. Study of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon of the "LIFE Metro Adapt" project by analyzing LandsatTERRA and AQUA satellite images of the hottest nights from 2014 to 2018
- Edition
- --
- Responsible
- dpassoni
- Point of Contact
- Passoni
- da.passoni@cittametropolitana.milano.it
- Purpose
- --
- Maintenance Frequency
- None
- Type
- not filled
- Restrictions
- None
- License
- Not Specified
- Language
- eng
- Temporal Extent
- Start
- --
- End
- --
- Supplemental Information
- No information provided
- Data Quality
- --
- Extent
- x0: 470985.0
- x1: 547515.0
- y0: 4994985.0
- y1: 5061015.0
- Spatial Reference System Identifier
- EPSG:32632
- Keywords
- no keywords
- Category
- Climatology Meteorology Atmosphere
- Regions